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Meet your soul family!

(Galactic Love Party)

With Krisztian & Inana

6 & 7 April 2019, Berlin, city of Peace


~Sisterhood of the Rose Workshop~

soul family_bearbeitet_bearbeitet.jpg


Dear Ones,


Now is the time we have been waiting for. Now is the time when we are fulfilling our ancient promise we made in Atlantis. New Atlantis first exists in the non-physical realms and will be activated piece by peace all over the world. Many individuals and groups are working constantly for this effort. Some do this very consciously. This coming event is supposed to gather the white priests and priestesses of Atlantis. We do not meet by accident. This is an old ancient promise we are fulfilling together NOW.




When we meet we will unlock each others potential and remembrance. We will reach another level of understanding within our souls. We will love deeper on all levels. We will feel fully energized and driven by our divine purpose.


We have prepared the following program. It may be open to some changes as we will receive more teachings of Light at the Budapest Cobra workshop. We may integrate small parts of it in our gathering. Our event can not replace the Cobra workshop and please do not expect us to give you a full overview of it. We do our own event, as every individual has another mission.


Our main mission is to activate full love potential.


Krisztian has special abilities in organising and connecting people. Inanas special ability is the connection with Goddess energy and Goddess dance.







Day 1, 10:00 – 13:30

°°Oneness remembering°°°

°Crystalline Clearing and Protection

°Angel Revival Dance

° Triangle Groups of Light Meditation

°atlantean tantra exercise with the eyes


~13:30 – 15:30 Lunch break~


Day 1, 15:30 – 19:00

°°°Exit Control Matrix°°°

° Contracts Removal & Implant Triangulation

°Goddess dance

°Angel Embrace

°Goodnight Weighing Dance




Day 2, 10:00 – 13:30

°°°Galactic Love°°°

°Crystal Implant Clearing

°Mystery Of Silence

°Initiation Into High Love

°Fire of AN dance


~13:30 – 15:30 Lunch break~


Day 2, 15:30 – 19:00

°°°Galactic Love Initiation°°°

°Buddhic Colum Berlin

°Sisterhood Of The Rose, soul families, bubbles of heaven, islands of light

°how to connect to and attract twin soul

°light body activation, soul family mandala

°Goddess Dance

°Good night weighing dance


Note: Please remember the program may receive changes. It is also possible that we as a group receive some special guidance to do certain things. We will follow that as One Being of course. We are remembering together.....



The workshop price for two days is € 150-200 per person. You can decide how much you are able and willing to pay. Besides of this we can provide nice and extremely cheap accomodation.
To reserve your space, please send a PayPal payment to:


If you prefer to give something directly in person, please just send us an e-mail to reserve your space:

We are looking forward to magical beautiful gatherings!


Victory of the Light!


..... and Pearls of Love ...


Krisztian and Inana



Please visit Krisztians blog here:


Sisterhood of the Rose

      Pearls of Love

Sisterhood of the Rose

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