Dear ones, especially dear Cobra readers,
What this blogpost is about:
.... it shall give a little impression of my personal perspective about certain subjects.
Since recently Cobra has released a bit more sensitive information about the most critical topic humanity is struggling with since the fall of Atlantis: Sex.
If you are new to this and you do not believe in Atlantis, just imagine that it can refer to any time humanity can remember within historic records, whatever those are exactly, that sex was always a weird thing.
There is no doubt about it, that there has been no other thing been more distorted and fought against than the topic of sexual energy. Some women feel immediately sick if they only read those words. I would like to remind, that this just means that there needs to be looked at.
Why do you feel as you feel right now? Maybe you choose to remember and find out? Maybe you help us heal the collective in healing yourself. This is at least the response I choose for myself.
Where to start?
The title of this post refers to sexual energy, as if it was about sex and in real it is more about love.
Who on this earth in this lifetime has not been heart-broken by love relationships? Some go through it with ease, others not. Some do not feel love at all, some feel asexual. And there are so many more phenomena.
The thing is: humanity has no idea how to love properly. The spiritual communitiy emphasizes that it is important to live from the heart. It is not a wrong thing to be in the heart of course, yet I believe that there are so many people out there who do that without anyone needing to tell them. Either you are a loving caring person or not. You do not get more loving because someone tells you.
You may get more loving because you DO feel love finally, because you LOVE.
So now, spiritual people, we all learned so much about portals, higher dimensions, activations, oneness, lightships and ascension.
If we think its only a thing in consciousness, it is not true. We are in physical bodies and the most intense experience a human being can have, is being in ecstasy with the physical body.
Is it not a miracle, that there is someone out there who actually does remember and helps us remember? It does not mean that such a being thinks he is perfect or above all else. It is up to us what we make of it.
I would like to clarify, that those informations that touch the surface of the atlantean Goddess mysteries are not about "fucking around with whatever crossess our way".
The most important thing in this new information is the understanding about soul families and group energy. A group is able to generate way more energy than one single person.
Cosmic Kundalini
We have learned that energy is everything and love is the force that holds the universe together. The cosmic kundalini energy flows through the whole existence and creates Central Suns, Galaxies, Suns and moons and planets. It creates nature which is growing on earth or on any other planet which has organic life. It flows through each cell of our bodies.
To fully surrender to this cosmic kundalini, we connect with that energy with our whole being.
The cosmic kundalini is the carrier of the soul energy within the hearts of each beings. When the inner spot of a being is connected with the cosmic kundalini energy, the transmutaion collapse point can be reached, which means, spirit overcomes matter. It means matter will be filled with soul energy. Matter becomes soul-full, matter and spirit become one. This is ascension.
The human vessel is the greatest mystery that exists. Why? Because of our energy systems and chakras. They are each connected to one level of creation. The human being has the ability to connect all levels of existence by connecting the heart with the energy-body. The human being has the ultimate potential to channel the highest energy possible to the PHYSICAL plane by merging the highest level with all other levels AND the physical.
New Heaven on New Earth
In metaphysical terms it means to bring heaven on earth, to make "all things new", to bring the invisible world into the visible and experiencable. The Source will be merged with all of our surroundings. We will all be One again without any speparation consciousness. We will all be again what we truly are on a totally new spiral of creation.
The day when we will look shortly back for the duration of a nano second, to "when we did NOT understand all this", will come! We will just shake our heads as we look back now to seemingly foolish decisions of the past. We will laugh or just smile a little.
There is no way around this truth. Those who choose to ascend will have to face this earlier or later. Your soul will lead you if you have decided to ascend.
Soul family
What has the soul family to do with this?
Imagine a group of a soul family: There are different relations within each member of the soul family. Those who just feel like soul family are "soul family". Those who you feel more love and eventually sexual attraction are soul mates. The one and only total completion of your being is the twin soul.
Is there a purpose?
The twin souls, if they are meeting within that group, bring 7th dimensional energy to the group. Connections with soul mates bring 6th dimensional energy into the group. Soul family members together create 5th dimensional energy.
How amazing is it, that you can just meet some really cool people and immediately the higher dimensions are downloaded to that group? It is a real miracle! This never happens if it is not your soul family. This is the divine order. It is what the Source has created.
Neighbour soul family
By the way, you can also have connections and soul mates to neighbour soul families, as the different soul families are overlapping within the bigger picture. Most of the times those overlapping points have a bigger mission together, as they connect whole soul family collectives.
Right now many tell there is nothing new to read. We know about the things which are not right in this world and we are tired to hear and read it all over again.
The NEW is here. It challenges you. This is because it is uncomfortable and NEW. It is only new now, actually it is old. And the same time it is not old, because we never had such a deep experience of darkness and duality laying shortly behind us and then immediately taking that big steps upwards into heaven.
As a final note I would like to invite you to let go of any fantasy about all this. I am sure everyone knows the phenomena that if something actually happens it is never as expected. Most of the times it is neither as bad or good as expected, just different. Real life is always in the now. If we make a choice, the doors will open and we will get support. We can change so quickly now.
So my dears, I just felt guided to say something about this, because I think it is more than time to close the curtain of duality and to close the chapter of struggles and fights. The most effective tool to bring peace and harmony to Gaia is to grow into our creative power. And the most creative power is our sexual energy connected with our love.
Soon I will write an article about another Goddess mystery which could bridge the understanding a little....
Have a great ascension, big big time with your soul families,
Victory of the Light,
.... and pearls of love.....
Please read Cobras article about sexual energy here:
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